Climber. Leaves coriaceous, brown when dry, elliptic, shining, small, 15 cm long, 6 cm broad, secondary nerves bent, indistinctly joining, tertiary ones reticulate below. ♂ Inflorescences cauline, pendulous, short, spikes 3 cm long. ♂ Flowers numerous, obconic; sporophyll ½ mm exserted. Sterile ♀ flowers 6 to each collar, ovate. ♀ Inflorescences simple, cauline, up to 10 cm long in the fruiting stage. ♀ Flowers 10 to each collar, immersed in a dense hair tuft, obliquely ovate. Fruits shining, ellipsoidal, small, 1½ cm long, 8 mm broad; outer envelop moderately fleshy, middle one slightly woody, inner one papery. Seed 1 cm long.