Climber. Leaves fleshy, shining, greyish brown when dry, oblong or lanceolate, about 10 by 4 cm; secondary nerves indistinct, straight. ♂ Inflorescences cauline, erect, long-stalked, 1½ cm long, 3½ mm thick. ♂ Flowers numerous, obconic; sporophyll long-exserted. Sterile ♀ flowers many, ca 20-30 to each collar, fusiform. ♀ Inflorescences cauline, simple, erect; spikes 2½ cm long. ♀ Flowers 8 to each collar, ovate, 3 mm long. Fruits not shining, up to 2 cm long, ellipsoidal; outer envelop thinly fleshy, middle one leathery, inner one papery. Seed oblong, 1 by ½ cm.