An undershrub, under 1 ft. high, much-branched from the base, quite glabrous; branches ascending or slightly spreading, bearing very slender obscurely 4-angled branchlets, leaf-scars rather prominent; leaves opposite, linear-lanceolate, 4 lin. long, 1/2-1 lin. wide, acute, flat, 1-nerved; flowers terminal; calyx glabrous; tube 2.5 lin. long, narrow at the very base, widely campanulate and 1.5 lin. wide above; lobes oblong, obtuse, 2 lin. long, 2/3 lin. wide; petals 4, membranous, half as long as the lobes; anthers oblong, obtuse, 1/3 lin. long; style as long as the calyx-tube; stigma rather small, capitate.