A subshrub, up to 10 in. high; branches ascending, pubescent; leaves alternate, approximate, suberect, lanceolate, up to 5 lin. long and 1 lin. wide, acute, 1-nerved, glabrous; flowers solitary or several on short axillary branches; bracteoles 1.5 lin. long, oblong, pubescent;: pale blue (Sankey), silky-pubescent; tube 4 lin. long, spindle-shaped in the lower half, funnel-shaped above; lobes ovate, obtuse, 3/4 lin. long; petals 8, 1/2 lin. long, oblong, obtuse, alternating with tufts of short hairs; ovary ovoid, compressed, hairy; style lateral, variable in length; stigma small.
Subshrub, 400 mm tall. Leaves linear-lanceolate, hairy. Calyx hairy. Inflorescence terminal or axillary clusters of 2-4 flowers, sessile or shortly stalked. Flowering region overtopped by new growth. Petals 8, fleshy. Perfect anthers 8. Flowers cream, pale blue, whitish, yellow.
Leaves alternate, crowded on the upper part of the branches, sessile; lamina (6)10–12(16) × 1–2(3) mm, elliptic to narrowly ovate, acute, rigid, somewhat wrinkled, sparsely silky hairy to densely hirsute on the lower surface, sparsely hairy on the upper, later glabrescent.
Calyx tube 4–8 mm long, densely villous; lobes 2–2.5 × 1 mm, ovate, acute, villous outside, sometimes hairy at top and along middle inside.
Subshrub, 15–40 cm high, with numerous erect branches from woody rootstock, puberulous or hirsute when young, later glabrescent.
Ovary c. 1 mm long, hairy at top; disk cupular; style 3–4 mm long, lateral; stigma club-shaped, papillate.
Inflorescences terminal or axillary clusters of (1)2–4 flowers, sessile or very shortly stalked.
Flowers 4-merous, pale blue, whitish or yellow; pedicel very short, with a short brush of hair.
Stamens subsessile; anthers 0.5 mm long, a tuft of hairs behind the anthers of the upper row.
Petals (6)8, linear, membranous, 0.5–1 mm long, sometimes shrivelling up early.
Bracts 2–4, leaf-like, 7–8 × 1–1.2 mm, silky hairy.
Seed 2 × 1–1.2 mm.