Perennial shrub, dwarf shrub or herb, 0.3-2.0 m high, virgate suffrutices, canescent, with mostly stellate scales. Leaves opposite, rarely ternate, sometimes appearing fascicled, connate at base or with a ridge between them; narrowly elliptic, 5-80 mm long. Flowers in terminal racemes; pedicels bibracteate. Calyx cuneate at base. Corolla white, rarely blue or pink; tube not longer than calyx; lobes broad, recurved in open flower. Stamens arising in throat of corolla; free portion of filaments shorter than anthers; anthers exserted or subexserted. Capsule subcylindric, 2-lobed, 2-valved, with valves splitting. Seeds many.
Corolla (3·5)5–10 mm. long, when lobes erect 1·6–3·2 x as long as the calyx, white or exceptionally blue or pink, subpersistent, accrescent, outside glabrous, inside pilose in the tube and at the base of the lobes; tube 1·5–4 mm. long, mostly slightly shorter than the calyx; limb 6–15 mm. in diam.; lobes (2)2·5–6 mm. in diam.
Perennial herb, 0.6-2.6 m high. Leaves sessile, opposite; blade linear, 10-60 x 2-5 mm. Flowers: opposite, solitary in axils of upper leaves forming long, narrow, terminal racemes; corolla 5-10 mm long, white; Oct.-Jun. Fruit a capsule, oblong, ± 7 mm long.
Leaves 5–80 x 1–5 mm., opposite with a connecting ridge, narrowly or very narrowly oblong, rarely very narrowly obovate, acute, acutish, or sometimes rounded at the apex, at the margin entire or sometimes remotely and obscurely toothed, usually revolute.
Slender, willowy, closely leafy shrublet, up to 1 m tall. Leaves opposite, linear, 10-60 x 2-5 mm, usually greyish. Flowers in long, narrow racemes, corolla tube 2-4 mm long, lobes spreading, white, scented. Fruit a many-seeded capsule, ± 7 mm long.
Slender, willowy, closely leafy shrublet to 1 m. Leaves opposite, linear, usually greyish. Flowers in long, narrow racemes, white, scented, tube subcampanulate, 2-4 mm long, tepals spreading.
Plant erect, 0·50–2 m. high, glabrous or more often with a silvery indumentum of stellate scales on the branchlets, both sides of the leaves, the inflorescences, and the calyx outside.
Pistil 4–7 mm. long, glabrous, mostly curved; ovary 2–3·8 x 1–1·8 x 0·6–1·2 mm., narrowly ovoid to oblong, laterally compressed; style 1·6–3·7 mm. long; stigma 0·4–0·7 x 0·4–0·8 mm.
Perennial herb, 0.6-2.6 m high. Leaves linear, usually 10-60 mm long. Flowers opposite, solitary in axils of upper leaves forming long, narrow, terminal racemes. Flowers white.
Stamens: filaments 1–2 mm. long, glabrous; anthers 1–2 x 0–3–1 mm., dark brown at the edges, turning completely dark brown at the anthesis.
Embryo 0·6 mm. in diam., straight, white; rootlet 0·2 mm. in diam., obtuse; cotyledons 0·3 x 0·25 mm., oblong, rounded at the apex.
Seed 1–1·2 x 0·8–1 x 0·6–1 mm., medium brown, shining, obliquely polyhedral or nearly so, minutely reticulate, not winged.
Sepals (1·5)2–4·5 mm. long, oblong, glabrous inside, obtuse, rounded or mucronate at the apex.
In each cell one axile placenta with c. 80–100 ovules.
Inflorescence a raceme, 3–15 cm. long, terminal.
Pedicels 2–12 mm. long, suberect, bibratate.
Bark shallowly longitudinally fissured.
Endosperm mealy, white, not copious.
Capsule 3–8·5 x 1·5–4 x 1·5–3 mm.
Flowers scented.