Epiphytic herbs. Pseudobulbs erect, clustered, ovoid, strongly ridged and sulcate, 4.5-6.5 cm. long and 2-3.5 cm. wide, the bases enveloped in 2-3 fibrous, imbricating bracts, the apex with 2-3 lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, plicate, acute or acuminate leaves 25-40 cm. long and 5-11 cm. broad. Inflorescences elongate, pendulous racemes from the base of the pseudobulbs. Flowers many, grotesque, strongly fragrant, relatively large, on elongate, slender, nearly straight pedicels. Sepals membranaceous, pale yellow, spotted or banded reddish brown (in our specimens), dorsal sepal free, erect, the base inserted about midway on the column, lanceolate, acuminate, the margins often strongly recurved, 1.5-1.8 cm. long and .4-.6 cm. wide, the base not connivent with the bases of the lateral sepals, lateral sepals strongly reflexed, inserted on the column foot, obliquely ovate, acuminate when spread out, the lateral margins strongly recurved, 20-25 mm. long and 9-14 mm. wide. Petals colored similarly to the sepals, resembling stelidia, the bases inserted on the column and connivent with the base of the dorsal sepal, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, the attenuate apices somewhat recurved, 6-8 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad. Lip fleshy, 1.5-2 cm. long, pale yellow, marked reddish brown (in our specimens), complexly 2-parted, the short, ligular, basal claw apparently articulated with the column foot; the hypochile saccate, of 2 complex, erect, lateral lobes, the upper closely appressed margins of which combine to form a dorsal keel, the hypochile when seen from above with 2 slender, lateral, ligular, somewhat recurved projections from the base, the apex in profile abruptly truncate and deeply concave, with two lateral erect elongate antennae prolonged into short acuminate teeth; the epichile laterally compressed, about as long as the hypochile, subsaccate and gibbose above the basal constriction, the apex in profile cuneate, with an attenuate recurved tip. Column erect, somewhat arcuate, 15-20 mm. long, terete below, somewhat dilated and subclavate above the point of insertion of the dorsal sepal and petals.