Tree, 16-40 m. Leaves elliptic to oblong, 10-25 by 5-9 cm, broadly cuneate or rarely rounded at base, rather abruptly caudate-acuminate at apex (cauda 0.5-2.5 cm), chartaceous to coriaceous, mostly grey-green above when dry, ochraceous-brown beneath, upper surface dull but scarcely 'shagreened' and glabrous or very sparsely pilose towards the base, lower surface also dull, very shortly tomentellous or spreading-puberulous, at least along the midrib; midrib moderate, cylindric-prominent beneath, not deeply impressed above; primary nerves 15-25 pairs, together with the numerous minor nerves conspicuously prominulous, especially beneath; petiole 7-12 by 1-2 mm, shortly fulvo-tomentellous or rarely glabrescent. Inflorescence 10-13 cm, sparingly and very shortly branched, sparsely fulvo-tomentellous. Pedicels 1.5-2.5 cm, densely fulvo-tomentellous. Sepals 5-8 by 3-4 mm, externally densely fulvo-tomentellous. Disk-lobes c. 30, glabrous, epustulate, irregularly connate. Style glabrous.