Tree, 10 m; branchlets conspicuously elevate-lenticellate. Leaves oblong-oblan-ceolate, 21-27 by 5-7 cm, ± rounded-cuneate at base, narrowed and shortly (5-10 mm) acuminate-caudate at apex (acumen obtuse), margin distinctly thickened, rigidly coriaceous, quite glabrous, greenish and dull-shagreened above when dry, or scarcely shining, greyish-ochra-ceous beneath and very dull, as though glaucescent; midrib moderately robust, prominent and subcylindric beneath, slightly impressed or flat above; nerves numerous, widely spreading, the smaller veins clearly reticulate above but lax and rather indistinct below; petiole 1-1.5 cm by 3-4 mm, rugose, glabrous. Inflorescence terminal, elongate, robust, 28 cm long, rachis 3-5 mm thick, conspicuously fuscous-lenticellate, in the fruiting stage finely fulvous-puberulous, branches abbreviated, nodose, densely fulvous-pubescent. Flowers unknown, but (from the fruits) sepals 5-6 by 2-4 mm, subobtuse, ochraceous-sericeous; disk-lobes 25-30, glabrous, epustulate. Fruit (immature) obtusely tetragonous-globose, 3.5-4 cm ø, clearly 4-valved, pedicel 1.5-2 cm by 3-4 mm, fulvous-puberulous.