Tree, up to 45 by 1 m. Leaves exceedingly variable in size and shape, oblong, elliptic, obovate or sublanceolate, 3-40 by 2-15 cm, base cuneate to rounded, apex acuminate to rounded or even retuse, chartaceous to coriaceous, drying various shades of ochraceous-brown, slightly (rarely strongly) shagreened above, scarcely so beneath, glabrous; nervation (especially on lower surface) characteristic, consisting of a rather open network of prominent relatively steeply ascending nerves, of uniform thickness, connected by rather frequent short cross-veins of similar thickness, producing a system of irregularly elongate areolae; midrib deeply channelled above; petiole relatively long, up to 2½ cm. Inflorescence often almost simple, consisting of an elongate axis up to 20 cm with sessile nodulose fascicles of flowers 1-2 cm apart, but sometimes branched, ochraceous-tomentel-lous when young, cinereous later. Pedicels elongate, slender, up to 2½ cm. Calyx shortly cupular, 6-8 mm long, 10-15 mm diam., sericeous; sepals ovate-deltoid, acute or obtuse, margin often re-flexed. Petals 20-40, narrowly subulate, glabrous, epustulate (? sometimes minutely pustulate), 2-3 mm. Style glabrous. Fruit large, globose, up to 7 cm diam., 3-5-valved. Seeds semi-ellipsoid, 4 by 2½ cm.