Small tree, 10½ m by 12½ cm, with elongate pendulous branches, bark of twigs dark brown. Leaves small, oblong-elliptic or almost oblong, 9-11 by 3-4 cm, rounded-cuneate at the base, shortly caudate at apex, chartaceo-coriaceous, glabrous above, very shortly adpressed-pubescent below (subsericeous when young), yellowish-grey and narrowly ochraceous-margined above, and ochraceous-brown below, when dry, almost epunc-tate, nervation rather distinct, close, reticulate and steeply ascending; petiole rather stout, 8-10 by 2-3 mm, pubescent. Inflorescences small and few-flowered, 2-3 cm long, almost simple, finely adpressed-pubescent or subsericeous. Pedicels elongate, 1-2 cm, sericeous. Flowers rather large, cream-coloured, slightly rose-tinged when dry. Calyx campanulate, 8 by 10 mm, shortly adpressed-sericeous externally, divided beyond the middle; segments narrowly or broadly ovate, 6 by 2½-4½ mm, obtuse. Petals c. 30, narrowly subulate, sub-terete below, somewhat flattened and sulcate above, c. 5 mm long, glabrous, epustulate. Style more or less setose below. Fruit unknown.