Shrubs or small trees, the branchlets slender. Leaves petiolate or subsessile; stipules free, usually triangular subulate. Inflorescences terminal, elongate, slen-der, spiciform or thrysiform. Flowers with the hypanthium rotund, the calyx with 4-5 small, persistent lobes; corolla funnelform or salverform, the tube villous, the lobes 4-5, valvate or imbricate; stamens 4-5, the filaments slender, attached to the tube; anthers slender, included; ovarian disc crenulate, the style slender, the stigmas small, 2-4-lobed, the ovules numerous, the placentas small. Fruits baccate,'globose, 2-4-sulcate, the pyrenes 2 or 4, chartaceous to bony; seeds numerous, minute, subglobose, deeply foveolate.