Woody herb or shrub up to 3.5 m. high; branches sometimes sparsely to moderately glandular-setose when young, soon glabrous.. Leaf-lamina ovate to elliptic, 2.5–20.5 cm. long, 2–10.5 cm. w ide, acum inate, base cuneate or cordate, margins crenate, serrate or subserrate, ciliate, green above, purplish beneath, very sparsely setose above and on the nerves beneath when young, soon glabrous; midrib and (2–)3(–4) pairs of basal longitudinal nerves impressed above, prominent beneath, lateral nerves subprominent beneath; petiole 2–9 cm. long, tomentose at first, becoming glabrescent.. Inflorescence (l–)3–15-flowered umbels; pedicels 10–15 mm. long, glandular-setose or glabrous.. Calyx-tube 5–6 mm. long, 7 mm. in diameter, glabrous or glandular-pilose at first, becoming glabrous; lobes triangular, 1.5 mm. long, or linear-lanceolate, ± 6 mm. long.. Petals 25–30 mm. long, 10 mm. wide, pink or purplish-red.. Anthers 5–8 mm. long; filaments 11 mm. long.. Calyx accrescent in fruit, increasing to 10 mm. long and 10–12 mm. in diameter, pedicels increasing to 30 mm. long, both becoming woody.