Erect to spreading shrub, 0.3-4 m tall. Leaves entire, oblong to elliptic or obovate, rarely linear, 1-7.5 cm long, 3-15 mm wide; margin recurved to revolute; upper surface velvety to pubescent or silky, smooth or granulose; lower surface villous, subsericeous, tomentose or velutinous. Conflorescence terminal on short lateral branchlets, usually simple, erect to deflexed, 2-6 (-10)-flowered, a loose cluster or rarely subcylindrical, opening irregularly; floral rachis 1-10 mm long, subsericeous to tomentose or velvety. Flowers adaxially acroscopic. Perianth subsericeous or pubescent to subvillous or velutinous outside, bearded inside above ovary with spreading hairs above (especially on ventral tepals); tepals apiculate to caudate, with apiculum 0.2-2 (-5) mm long; limb of bud acute to caudate. Pistil 24-32 mm long; ovary sessile, villous; style pubescent to tomentose; pollen-presenter very oblique to lateral. Follicle obloid-ellipsoidal, apically attenuate, 12-22 mm long, sparsely tomentose, longitudinally ridged; style erect.