Shrub 2-4 m high. Leaves petiolate, 2.5-5 cm long, 30-45 mm wide, bi-or partly tri-pinnatipartite, with 14-24 primary lobes; ultimate lobes linear to narrowly triangular, 3-10 mm long, 0.7-1.0 mm wide, rigid, pungent; base narrowly cuneate; margins revolute; surfaces dissimilar; lower surface mostly enclosed, subvillous. Conflorescence terminal or subterminal-axillary, simple or to 9-branched, unit conflorescence narrowly conico-cylindrical; ultimate floral rachis 80-100 mm long. Pedicels 6.5-7 mm long. Torus extended dorsally well beyond pedicel. Flower colour: perianth pink-red to purple-red, becoming black near or after anthesis, or rarely lemon in bud and cream with pink tinges at maturity (not blackening); style pinkish red or rarely (with perianth) cream. Perianth with very short glandular hairs outside, sparsely villous inside. Pistil 14.5-15.5 mm long; stipe 5.1-5.8 mm long, adnate to dorsal wall of torus and almost perpendicular to pedicel; ovary glabrous; style minutely glandular-pubescent, exserted from late bud. Follicle broadly oblique-elliptic to-obovate, 16-19 mm long, glabrous.