Erect to spreading shrub 1-2 m high. Leaves usually simple and linear, rarely divided near base into 2 or 3 linear segments, 5-14 (-25) cm long, 1-2 (-3) mm wide, acute to obtuse; margins revolute or sometimes refracted; lower surface 2-grooved, glabrous except for hairs on midvein. Conflorescence terminal or axillary, erect, simple or few-branched, pedunculate; unit conflorescence shortly obovoid to subglobose, basipetal; floral rachis 8-15 mm long. Flowers adaxially acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth pale green to greenish pink, rarely white; style deep rose pink to pale pink or white. Perianth glabrous outside, pubescent inside to c. level of ovary, glabrous above; tepals partially everted, remaining coherent at limb segments. Pistil 16-23 mm long; ovary stipitate, glabrous; style minutely papillose above ovary, swollen below pollen-presenter, exserted in late bud; pollen-presenter ±lateral. Follicles narrowly obovoid, apically attenuate, 12-15 (-20?) mm long, glabrous, very finely tuberculate to smooth.