Erect open shrub 1-2.5 m tall. Leaves narrowly elliptic to elliptic, 7-15 cm long, 6-15 mm wide, entire or some leaves with 1-3 spreading short triangular teeth or lobes (often well below apex); surfaces similar, glabrous or with scattered minute appressed coppery hairs. Conflorescence terminal, decurved, simple or basally 2-or 3-branched; unit conflorescence dense to loose, conico-cylindrical to subovoid or subglobose; ultimate floral rachis 10-30 mm long. Flower colour: perianth white to yellow or cream-green; style pale green to cream. Perianth glabrous outside, bearded inside; tepals everting after anthesis with beard displayed. Pistil 8-12.5 mm long; ovary glabrous; style glabrous except for minute hairs or papillae in apical 2-3 (-5) mm. Follicle obliquely ellipsoidal, 13-15 mm long, glabrous.
Grows in heath or shrub associations, usually at the escarpment edge, in lateritic sands or sandy clays.