Erect or spreading shrub, 0.8-6 m high; branches often upswept. Leaves 5-16 cm long, entire or pinnatipartite with 2-11 ascending to erect linear lobes 0.5-11.5 cm long; entire leaves and lobes 0.8-1.8 mm wide, usually not pungent; margins tightly and angularly or occasionally smoothly revolute; lower surface enclosed except for midvein, packed with appressed hairs in grooves. Unit conflorescence erect, secund; floral rachis 20-60 mm long. Flower colour: perianth green, yellow, orange or pink; style bright orange-red to red. Perianth subsericeous to tomentose or occasionally to sublanate outside. Pistil 16.5-21.5 (-24.5) mm long; stipe 1.4-5 mm long; style subsericeous for c. 1.5 mm above ovary, and usually with papilloid hairs near middle on ventral surface. Follicle 15-29 mm long, subsericeous.
Grows in open to dense heath or tall shrubland in sand over laterite, deep sand, sand over clay, or gravelly clay.