Open spreading shrub, 1-4 m high. Leaves pinnatisect or pinnatipartite, elliptic in overall outline, 5-18 cm long, 30-75 mm wide, with (11-) 19-36 spreading linear to narrowly obovate lobes; lobes 1.5-3.5 cm long, usually simple or occasionally the basal ones bifid, not pungent; margins recurved; lower surface villous, with hairs 2-layered. Unit conflorescence erect, secund; floral rachis 40-80 mm long. Flower colour: perianth fawn; style maroon to red with a green tip. Perianth villous outside. Pistil 25-28 mm long; ovary stipitate; style glabrous. Follicle 17-21 mm long, tomentose.