Spreading shrub 0.5-2 m tall. Branchlets terete, tomentose to subsericeous. Leaves narrowly oblong to narrowly oblong-ovate, 2-5.5 cm long, 5-11 mm wide; upper surface glabrous, glossy, with midvein evident; margins almost flat or recurved; lower surface subsericeous. Conflorescence axillary and terminal, usually decurved and pedunculate (peduncle to 15 mm long), few-flowered in a loose cluster; floral rachis 6-12 mm long. Flowers adaxially acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth and style pale green; style sometimes becoming reddish. Perianth almost glabrous outside with a few appressed hairs at base and on limb, bearded inside. Pistil 16-17.5 mm long; style gently incurved, minutely pubescent in apical 5-10 mm; pollen-presenter lateral. Follicle ovoid to ellipsoidal, 14-15 mm long, colliculose, sometimes faintly viscid.
Grows in eucalypt woodland or open forest, often on rocky slopes or cliffs, in sandy soil over sandstone.