Erect shrub or small tree, 1-6 m tall, single-trunked. Leaves oblong-elliptic to narrowly (rarely broadly) so or tending slightly ovate or obovate, 3-18 cm long, 15-40 (-50) mm wide, entire, cuneate at base; margins not recurved; lower surface densely sericeous. Conflorescence subterminal-axillary or terminal, erect, simple or paniculately few-branched, scarcely exceeding foliage; unit conflorescence secund, strongly basipetal; ultimate floral rachis 15-66 mm long. Perianth densely sericeous outside, pilose inside. Pistil 35-55 mm long; stipe 7-9 mm long; ovary villous; style loosely villous in basal half, glabrous above or a few hairs persisting to near apex. Follicle obliquely ellipsoidal to subglobose, 8-15 mm long, densely pale sericeous with some reddish blotching and emergent pale villous hairs.