Clumping suckering shrub 0.1-0.5 m tall, with leafless inflorescence peduncles sometimes up to 1 m long and trailing on ground. Leaves usually 7-14 cm long, secund-pectinate with rachis gently recurved, pinnatipartite with 10-35 pairs of spreading lobes; lobes mutually aligned on either side of rachis, entire, linear to narrowly obovate, 0.6-1.6 cm long, 1.2-2.0 mm wide; apices deflexed, not pungent; margins refracted; lower surface partly or completely enclosed except midveins, densely villous with tightly curled hairs. Unit conflorescence erect on long trailing peduncle, often lax on ground, secund; floral rachis 30-100 mm long. Perianth subsericeous to subvillous outside. Pistil 17-23 mm long; stipe 0.5-1.5 mm long; style loosely villous in basal half with long ascending hairs, becoming glabrous in upper half or third. Follicle 14-16.5 mm long, tomentose with biramous hairs dominant and scattered simple erect hairs.