Shrub 1-2.5 m tall. Branchlets subsericeous to almost glabrous, softly angular in cross-section. Leaves elliptic to narrowly so or lanceolate, (3.5-) 4-7 cm long, 8-12 (-20) mm wide, upper surface smooth, ?dull, with the lateral veins evident; margins shortly recurved; lower surface with an open to sparse indumentum of appressed hairs (ground tissue easily visible between hairs). Conflorescence terminal or subterminal-axillary, pedunculate, decurved to pendulous, simple or basally few-branched; unit conflorescence ovoid or a loose sometimes subsecund cluster, few-to many-flowered; floral rachis 10-25 mm long. Flower colour: perianth red with reddish hairs; style red or reddish pink. Perianth densely subsericeous outside (biramous hairs, with a few scattered very inconspicuous erect glandular hairs intermixed), bearded inside. Pistil 16-20 mm long; style with minute hairs towards apex; pollen-presenter lateral. Follicle 18-24 mm long, with faint longitudinal ridges.
Grows at 700-1000 m alt. in tall moist Eucalyptus forest, on steep rocky slopes on substrates variously reported as sandstone, quartzite, phyllite, or volcanic.