Dense spreading erect shrub to c. 3 m high. Leaves (5-) 8-18 cm long, 0.9-1.5 (-2) mm wide, ascending, usually entire and linear, sometimes 2-or 3-partite with linear lobes; upper surface with 3-5 longitudinal ridges; margins revolute; lower surface enclosed except for midvein, 2-grooved. Conflorescence erect, terminal or sometimes axillary, simple or few-branched; unit conflorescence dense, cylindrical, 6-8 cm long, subsynchronous to weakly and 1-sidedly acropetal. Flowers oriented transversely to rachis. Flower colour: perianth and style white to creamy white. Perianth densely villous-woolly outside, glabrous inside; tepals remaining loosely connate after release of style-end. Pistil 10-13 mm long; ovary villous; style villous throughout, at least on dorsal side; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicles 20-23 mm long, transverse on pedicel, thickly lenticular to subglobose, densely pubescent.