Shrub with low clumping foliage and emergent erect floral scapes to 1.5 (-2.5) m high. Leaves pinnatipartite, (4-) 10-18 (-22) cm long, (15-) 30-65 mm wide; margins irregularly undulate, not recurved; lobes in 2-5 (-7) pairs, oblong to broadly obovate, 1-5 cm long, to 20 (-30) mm wide, decurrent, ±obtuse-apiculate; both surfaces similar, usually glabrous and glaucous, except for scattered biramous and simple glandular hairs on midvein of lower surface. Conflorescence erect on emergent floral scapes, terminal or axillary, usually branched; unit conflorescence dense, obovoid, basipetal, many-flowered; ultimate floral rachis 20-70 mm long. Flowers acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth light purplish red; style yellowish with red to blackish tip. Perianth glandular-pubescent outside (?rarely glabrous), glabrous inside; tepals cohering except along dorsal suture. Pistil 9-11 mm long, glabrous; ovary stipitate; style exserted in late bud; pollen-presenter lateral. Follicles compressed ovoid to lenticular, 14-21 mm long, tuberculate or rugulose, viscid.