Erect shrub or small tree 2-8 m high, bushy at base with emergent flowering branches. Leaves 5-30 cm long, sometimes entire (predominantly near inflorescences), or usually 2-7-partite, sometimes lower lobes again sparingly divided; entire leaves and lobes linear, 1-2 (-2.7) mm wide, not pungent; margins angularly refracted; lower surface enclosed except for midveins, hairy in grooves. Conflorescences often aggregated with several on an emergent leafy branch, sometimes branched; unit conflorescence erect, weakly conico-secund to oblong-secund, acropetal to subsynchronous, usually borne close to foliage on peduncles 1-4 (-10) cm long; ultimate floral rachis 80-200 mm long. Flower colour: perianth pale outside, bright orange within; style bright orange. Perianth loosely tomentose to sublanate, sometimes with erect simple glandular hairs mixed with the biramous hairs, usually without glandular exudate. Pistil 20-29 mm long; style usually glabrous, rarely with minute erect simple hairs in middle third, lacking a dorsal hump below style-end. Follicle 15-22 mm long, tomentose with mixed biramous and simple glandular hairs.