Prostrate to sprawling shrub, 0.3-1.0 m high, to 3 m across. Leaves ovate in gross outline, 2-6.5 cm long, 15-50 mm wide, pinnatipartite, usually with 5-9 (-11) spreading primary lobes each usually 2-6-fid or sometimes entire; ultimate lobes ovate-triangular, 5-20 mm long, 3-15 mm wide, usually pungent; margins shortly recurved; lower surface with an open to sparse indumentum of wavy to curly hairs. Unit conflorescence usually pendent and straight on a thin wiry glabrous peduncle (8-25 mm long), occasionally decurved, secund; floral rachis 30-55 mm long. Flower colour: perianth grey-green to purplish brown; style light burgundy to light red or greenish yellow to yellow or pale pink, with a green tip. Perianth subsericeous to loosely tomentose outside. Pistil 12.5-16 mm long; ovary stipitate; style glabrous. Follicle 8.5-11 mm long, subsericeous.