Shrub 0.3-1 m tall. Branchlets angular and ridged, subsericeous between ridges, often secund. Leaves sublinear to narrowly oblong-elliptic or-obovate, often slightly incurved, 1-3 (-5) cm long, 1-3 mm wide; upper surface with midvein and intramarginal veins usually prominent and faintly granulose; margins shortly refracted; lower surface usually partly exposed, subsericeous. Conflorescence usually terminal, erect, level with or scarcely exceeded by leaf apices, usually pedunculate (peduncles to 15 mm long), regular, umbelloid, 6-16-flowered. Flowers adaxially oriented. Flower colour: perianth white to pink with brownish limb (hairs); style white to pink. Perianth subsericeous to tomentose outside, scantily bearded (rarely a few hairs only) inside opposite ovary. Pistil 7-8.5 mm long; style sharply geniculate 1-2 mm below apex, with minute hairs or papillae within apical 1 mm; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicle narrowly ovoid, 9-10 mm long, faintly warty.