Erect to spreading shrub 0.3-1.3 m tall, or low spreading shrub to 0.6 m. Branchlets angular, ridged, tomentose, subsericeous, or almost glabrous. Leaves spreading to ascending, sometimes in regular clusters of 3, narrowly elliptic to sublinear or to narrowly oblanceolate, (1.4-) 2-5 cm long, (1.5-) 1.8-2.0 (-10) mm wide; upper surface punctate or not, with midvein and intramarginal veins prominent, smooth or faintly granular; margins shortly refracted to scarcely recurved; lower surface mostly exposed, densely to sparsely subsericeous. Conflorescence erect, terminal, subsessile or on peduncles to 10 mm long, acropetal, broadly secund or rarely almost regular-subumbelloid, 10-24-flowered. Flowers acroscopic. Perianth subsericeous outside, sometimes with a weakly tomentose limb, profusely or sparingly bearded inside. Pistil 7-12 (-16) mm long; stipe 1-1.7 mm long; style hooked in apical c. 2 mm, glabrous except for minute hairs or papillae in the subapical c. 0.5 mm; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicle 8-11 mm long, colliculose.