Prostrate to low spreading shrub 0.2-0.4 m tall. Branchlets angular, ridged, subsericeous between ridges. Leaves obovate to narrowly so or elliptic or occasionally sublinear, 1-4 cm long, (1.2-) 2-6.5 mm wide; upper surface flat to slightly convex, punctate, with midvein and intramarginal veins scabrid to faintly granular; margins very shortly refracted; lower surface mostly exposed, subsericeous except for midvein. Conflorescence terminal, erect, sessile, ±regular, loosely umbelloid, c. 4-12-flowered. Flowers adaxially oriented. Flower colour: perianth white; style white, sometimes pink with age. Perianth subsericeous outside, glabrous inside or nearly so, with a cushion-like pulvinus opposite ovary, this sometimes surmounted by a few hairs. Pistil 6.5-8.5 mm long; style strongly curved; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicles and seeds not known.
Grows in moist low heath or heathy woodland margins, in skeletal sandy soils over sandstone sheets, at 600-1000 m alt.