Erect shrub 0.3-2 m high; floral branches emergent. Branchlets subsericeous. Leaves entire, ascending to spreading, ±sessile, crowded, terete and faintly ribbed, or narrowly linear and prominently channelled on lower surface, incurved, 0.5-2.5 cm long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide; surface(s) sericeous. Conflorescence erect, pedunculate, terminal, usually branched; unit conflorescence 1-2 cm long, umbel-like or shortly cylindrical, ±subsynchronous; floral rachis subsericeous, with hairs silvery. Flowers adaxially oriented. Flower colour: perianth and style bright yellow or yellow-gold, rarely pale creamy yellow. Perianth glabrous; tepals recurved after anthesis. Pistil 7 mm long, glabrous; pollen-presenter subcylindrical to narrowly truncate-conical. Follicles subcylindrical to obliquely obovoid, 10-16 mm long, smooth.