Spreading to decumbent shrub 0.2-1.0 m tall. Leaves obovate to hemispherical or rarely elliptic, 1-6 cm long, 1-4 cm wide, cuneate to amplexicaul at base, entire or with few to many broad, obtuse scarcely pungent teeth, glabrous or nearly so; margins shortly recurved; lower surface minutely pitted, with mid-and lateral veins prominent. Conflorescence terminal on short leafy branchlet or axillary, erect, shortly pedunculate; unit conflorescence umbel-like, 4-8-flowered, opening subsynchronously; peduncle glandular-pilose; rachis scarcely evident. Flowers adaxially acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth and style bright red. Perianth with both appressed biramous and simple erect glandular hairs outside (or sometimes the latter only), pilose inside. Pistil 18-20 mm long, glabrous; ovary with 2 ventral rounded protuberances. Follicles erect, 13-15 mm long, ventrally ridged or with 2 protruding triangular 'eyes' on ventral side, granulate.