Shrub 1-4 m high. Leaves ±oblong in general outline, 2.5-9 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, serrato-dentate to shallowly pinnatifid with 7-17 pungent subtriangular teeth or lobes 3-8 mm long, 3-8 mm wide; margins ±flat; lower surface fully exposed, glabrous, glaucous. Conflorescence erect to decurved, terminal, simple or few-branched; unit conflorescence weakly basipetal, subglobose to loosely and shortly subcylindrical; ultimate rachis 10-25 mm long. Flowers acroscopic. Perianth glabrous outside, pilose to subvillous inside. Pistil 11-20 mm long; ovary densely villous; style loosely villous in lower half, becoming glabrous above. Follicle obloid-ellipsoidal, 10-14 mm long, ±smooth, loosely villous soon becoming glabrous and glaucous.