Dense to open shrub 1-3 m tall. Leaves entire, usually narrowly oblong-elliptic or sometimes tending lanceolate or oblanceolate, 10-35 mm long, 1.5-6 (-8) mm wide; margins shortly recurved; upper surface scabrid, tuberculate; lower surface glabrous (juvenile leaves sparsely hairy along midvein). Conflorescence terminal, erect, usually clustered, simple, a dense 3-8-flowered semi-secund cluster; floral rachis 2-3 mm long, sparsely tomentose. Flowers acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth pale green becoming pale lemon or cream, then blackening with age; style purplish with white hairs. Perianth glabrous outside, bearded inside. Pistil 9-10.5 mm long; ovary sessile, villous; style dorsally villous in lower half becoming glabrous above, not or scarcely exserted from late bud; pollen-presenter very oblique to almost lateral. Follicle narrowly ovoid, 10-15 mm long, sparsely villous to pilose, weakly to obscurely ridged.