Prostrate trailing or sometimes mat-forming shrub to c. 4.5 m across. Leaves entire, ovate to elliptic, round or cordate, 2.5-16 cm long, (10-) 25-60 mm wide, not pungent; margins flat to slightly recurved, sometimes undulate; lower surface fully exposed, sericeous. Unit conflorescence erect, secund or rarely semicylindrical; floral rachis 20-80 mm long. Flower colour: perianth grey-red to red or deep maroon; style red or deep maroon, usually with a green to yellow tip. Perianth subsericeous outside. Pistil 13-25 mm long; ovary stipitate; style glabrous. Follicle 9-9.5 mm long, tomentose.
Grows in sandy or clay soils, near swamps or on slopes or ridges, on sandstone or sandy-shale substrates, usually in open eucalypt woodland or dry sclerophyll forest.