Weakly erect to low-spreading or decumbent shrub 0.2-0.6 (-1) m tall. Branchlets angular and ridged, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic or-obovate to sublinear, 2-6 (-8) cm long, 1-3 (-4.5) mm wide, often crowded but not in clusters of 3; upper surface glabrous, with midvein evident but scarcely prominent; margins very shortly recurved or refracted; lower surface exposed with an open to sparse indumentum of appressed, short-armed sparkling biramous hairs (ground tissue visible between hairs) or glabrous. Conflorescence terminal, often decurved, scarcely exceeding foliage, sessile to shortly pedunculate (peduncles to 5 mm long), simple, broadly secund (sometimes obscurely so), 8-24-flowered, acropetal. Flowers acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth pale to deep pink; style pale pink, becoming red with age. Perianth openly to sparsely subsericeous outside below a densely subsericeous (rarely tomentose) limb, bearded inside. Pistil 6-10 (-13) mm long; style hooked in apical c. 1 mm, glabrous except for minute subapical papillae; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicle c. 9 mm long, colliculose.
Grows in shrubby woodland or open forest, open drier wallum heath associations, and Themeda grassland, usually on level well-drained sites in sandy soils.