Shrub 1.5-3 (-5) m high. Branchlets glabrous, sometimes glaucous. Leaves 2-8 cm long, 10-50 mm wide, trifid to tripartite with ascending to spreading primary lobes and often with shallow secondary division (subsp. manglesii ), or basally long-cuneate and apically 2-or 3-lobed (subsp. ornithopoda ), or biternate with spreading primary lobes and deep secondary division (subsp. dissectifolia ); ultimate lobes triangular or sometimes rounded; apices scarcely to moderately pungent; margins flat to recurved; lower surface exposed, glabrous. Unit conflorescence acropetal, shortly subconical to subglobose or shortly cylindrical; floral rachis glabrous. Perianth glabrous outside. Pistil 3.3-5.5 mm long; stylar swelling ovoid; pollen-presenter conical with base broader than apex of style. Follicle obloid-ovoid to slightly obovoid, 7-10.5 mm long, rugose-tuberculate.