Shrub c. 2-4 m high. Leaves usually ±oblong, 4.5-15 cm long, 30-70 mm wide, shallowly sinuate to dentate with 9-25 evenly spaced teeth, usually pungent; surfaces dissimilar, with venation much more prominent below, subvelutinous. Conflorescence axillary, simple to few-branched, decurved; unit conflorescence broadly secund to subcylindrical; ultimate floral rachis (15-) 30-50 mm long; pedicels retrorse, 2-5 mm long. Flower colour: perianth bright yellow outside, becoming orange or deep yellow after anthesis; inner surface (partly exposed) very deep green becoming bright red after anthesis; style yellow. Perianth pilose outside with erect simple glandular hairs, bearded inside. Pistil 11-13.5 mm long; stipe 2.8-4 mm long; ovary glabrous; style glandular-pubescent, not exserted from perianth in late bud. Follicle obloid to ovoid-ellipsoidal, 14-18 mm long, glabrous.
Grows in tall open Eucalyptus , Grevillea and Acacia mixed shrubland or woodland, on low rises or rocky situations in yellow or red sandy soil over quartzite or sandstone.