Spreading shrub to 2 m tall. Branchlets terete, villous. Leaves oblong to narrowly so or elliptic, 3-10 cm long, 4-14 mm wide, thin textured and soft; upper surface dull, pubescent; margins undulate, shortly recurved; lower surface softly villous. Conflorescence subterminal axillary, on decurved to pendulous peduncles to c. 12 mm long, with (2-) 4-8 maturing flowers in a loose cluster and additional younger buds rapidly developing; floral rachis 4-14 mm long. Flowers acroscopic to adaxially oriented. Flower colour: perianth and style bright scarlet; pollen-presenter green to yellow. Perianth sparsely tomentose (short erect hairs) outside, bearded inside. Pistil 16-17 mm long; style gently curved to almost straight, sparsely pubescent in upper half; pollen-presenter lateral. Follicle ellipsoidal with an obtuse apiculum, 20-22 mm long, faintly ridged beside dorsal midline.