Shrub 1-2 m tall. Branchlets tomentose or rarely subsericeous, terete. Leaves oblong-elliptic to broadly lanceolate, (2.0) 3-7 (-11?) cm long, 8-13 (-25?) mm wide; upper surface smooth, variably dull or glossy, the lateral veins obscure to weakly evident; margins shortly recurved; lower surface with an open appressed indumentum. Conflorescence terminal or axillary, pedunculate, decurved to pendulous, simple or basally few-branched; unit conflorescence ovoid or a loose sometimes subsecund cluster, usually many-flowered; floral rachis (10-) 15-30 mm long. Flower colour: perianth solid pink to pinkish red or rarely white with pink highlights; style pink to pinkish red or white. Perianth open-subsericeous outside, bearded inside. Pistil (16-) 18-23 mm long, style with minute hairs towards apex. Pollen-presenter strongly oblique on style. Follicle c. 18 mm long, faintly longitudinally ridged.