Dense shrub 0.3-1.5 m tall. Leaves entire, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 1-2 (-3) cm long, 1-7 mm wide; margins revolute, sometimes obscuring whole lower surface including midvein; upper surface granulose; lower surface sericeous. Conflorescence erect, terminal, simple, sessile, a 1-4-flowered cluster, opening uncertain; floral rachis 1-4 mm long, subsericeous. Flowers irregularly oriented. Flower colour: perianth bi-or often trichromatic, bright green at base, pinkish red apically, often becoming blackish medially and dorsally; style green. Perianth sparsely tomentose outside, bearded inside above ovary, then with scattered hairs above; tepals with apiculum 1-2 mm long; limb of bud acute-caudate. Pistil (19-) 25-28 mm long; ovary sessile, villous; style loosely villous; pollen-presenter lateral. Follicle ovoid to ellipsoidal, c. 12 mm long, loosely and patchily villous, longitudinally ridged; style persistent, erect.