Shrub, widely spreading or rarely compact, 1-2 m tall. Branchlets tomentose to subvillous. Leaves elliptic to narrowly so or occasionally obovate to oblanceolate, (1.5-) 2.5-4 cm long, (5-) 8-18 mm wide, upper surface smooth, dull, with lateral veins obscure to weakly evident; margins shortly recurved; lower surface densely (very rarely openly) subsericeous to subtomentose. Conflorescence terminal or axillary, usually decurved to pendulous, pedunculate, simple or to 3-branched; unit conflorescence a loose irregular often subsecund cluster, 8-36-flowered; floral rachis 5-16 (-25) mm long. Flower colour: perianth red outside with red hairs, style red or reddish pink. Perianth densely to openly subsericeous outside, bearded inside. Pistil (12-) 17-20 mm long; style with minute hairs towards apex; pollen-presenter lateral or almost so. Follicle (14.5-) 17-19.5 mm long, with faint longitudinal ridges.