Shrub, 1.2-4 m tall, with sparsely leafy emergent floral branches. Leaves dorsiventral, entire, obovate or oblanceolate to oblong, rarely subrotund, 1.2-5 cm long, 4-9 mm wide; margins thickened, flat to slightly recurved; surfaces similar, faintly wrinkled with scattered appressed hairs especially near margins, sometimes glaucous and almost glabrous. Conflorescence terminal, erect, paniculate with 10-20 ascending branches; unit conflorescence cylindrical, 6-8 cm long, irregular to subsynchronous. Flowers acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth and style pink cream in bud, becoming white to cream, rarely remaining pink or becoming pale yellow. Perianth subsericeous or glabrous outside, glabrous inside. Nectary U-shaped. Pistil 7.5-10 mm long, glabrous; pollen-presenter erect, conical with truncate apex. Follicle slightly compressed obovoid, 11-15 mm long, apiculate, with a flange-like lip along each valve, glabrous, granulate and sometimes viscid.