Suckering shrub 6-30 cm high, with columnar foliage. Branchlets terete, villous. Leaves 7-16 mm long, 1.5-4 mm wide, entire, villous, broadly linear to narrowly elliptic or sometimes obovate, crowded, slightly discolorous; venation obscure, the midvein sometimes evident on lower surface; margins shortly recurved to strongly revolute, sometimes enclosing lower surface; apex obtuse, mucronate; upper and lower leaf surfaces appressed subvillous. Conflorescence erect, terminal, simple, ±sessile, 4-8-flowered, subsynchronous, loosely subsecund; rachis c. 3 mm long, villous. Flowers acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth red, blue around tepal margins near limb; style red. Perianth loosely tomentose outside, glabrous inside in basal pouch, densely bearded above; tepals remaining coherent after release of style-end except along dorsal suture. Pistil 20-22 mm long; stipe 7-8 mm long, sparsely villous, adnate to torus at base; ovary villous; style open-tomentose, with mainly biramous hairs, near apex also with erect multicellular glandular hairs, exserted in late bud; pollen-presenter lateral. Follicles not seen.