Sprawling shrub to 0.6 m high, 1-3 m wide. Leaves usually pinnatifid or ±serrate oblong to ovate, usually narrowly so, 3.5-20 cm long, (10-) 25-60 mm wide, obtuse to acuminate; margins slightly thickened, slightly recurved to flat; lobes (3-) 5-15 (-33), triangular to oblong ovate, (3-) 5-15 (-18) mm long, 2-10 (-15) mm wide; basal lobes rarely toothed; both surfaces glabrous when mature, sometimes glaucous. Conflorescence terminal or sometimes axillary, erect, simple or few-branched; unit conflorescence obovoid-cylindrical or rarely subglobose, basipetal, many flowered; ultimate floral rachis 15-50 mm long. Flowers basiscopic. Flower colour: perianth and style pale to deep pink. Perianth glabrous outside, bearded inside below ovary, pilose to pubescent above; tepals partially everted, remaining coherent at limb segments. Pistil 9-11.5 mm long, glabrous; ovary stipitate; style conspicuously dilated above middle, weakly exserted; pollen-presenter lateral. Follicles ovoid to ellipsoidal, 18-20 mm long, muricate with viscid glands, glabrous.