Spreading shrub 0.3-1.0 m tall. Leaves entire, obovate to narrowly so or almost orbicular, 0.7-3.0 cm long, 7-12 mm wide; margins shortly recurved to almost flat; upper surface smooth to faintly granulose; lower surface exposed, with a dense matted indumentum with longer emergent hairs. Inflorescences terminal, simple, erect, a loose 1-4-flowered cluster, opening uncertain; floral rachis 2-3 mm long, villous. Flowers adaxially acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth bi-or trichromatic, green basally, pinkish red apically, often purplish black about middle; style green. Perianth sparsely tomentose outside, inconspicuously bearded inside near base, glabrous or with a few appressed hairs above; tepals with apiculum 1-2.5 mm long; limb of bud acute-caudate. Pistil 23-25 mm long; ovary sessile, villous; style sparsely tomentose, usually sharply inflexed in the apical half; pollen-presenter lateral. Not known to set fruit or seed.