More or less erect, often gregarious shrub 0.5-2 m tall. Branchlets angular to subterete. Leaves narrowly to broadly elliptic, 4-11 cm long, 10-25 mm wide; upper surface glabrous or with a few hairs especially near midvein; margins very shortly recurved; lower surface with an open to sparse indumentum (ground tissue clearly visible between hairs). Conflorescence terminal or subterminal axillary, simple or basally 2-branched; unit conflorescence decurved to pendulous, pedunculate, acropetal to subsynchronous, a loose ±regular ovoid to subglobose cluster, (2-) 5-18-flowered; floral rachis 10-20 (-50) mm long. Flowers acroscopic. Perianth loosely tomentose outside (becoming densely so on limb segments), glabrous near base inside, densely bearded above. Pistil 16-20 mm long; style with scattered minute erect simple hairs near apex, or occasionally (subsp. semivestita only?) over most of length; pollen-presenter ±lateral. Follicle (subsp. rhyolitica only seen) slightly sigmoid when young, at maturity narrowly and obliquely ellipsoidal, 18-22 mm long, with several longitudinal ridges especially near apex.