Low spreading shrub 0.6-2 m tall. Leaves 12-20 cm long, pinnatipartite to almost pinnatisect with 15-25 spreading to ascending simple lobes; lobes 4-10 cm long, 1.2-2 (-4) mm wide, often gently curved; upper surface loosely subsericeous to tomentose with curly biramous hairs only, soon glabrous; lower surface usually narrowly exposed on either side of midvein, usually subsericeous to subtomentose, with biramous ±straight or occasionally curly hairs. Conflorescences erect, simple or rarely 2-branched, terminal; rachis 4-20 cm long (active flowering zone 2-5 cm long), lanate with ferruginous hairs; unit conflorescence conico-cylindrical, acropetal. Flowers sessile, basiscopic. Flower colour: perianth greenish white in bud, becoming white with pinkish brown hairs, inner surface partially displayed and white; style white. Perianth loosely tomentose to villous outside, glabrous inside. Pistil 8-11 mm long; ovary villous; style densely long-villous throughout. Follicles 8-10 mm long, appressed to rachis, villous.