Shrub ±erect, 1-2.5 m high; flowering branches often emergent. Branchlets subsericeous to glabrous. Leaves entire, bifacial, 0.5-5 cm long, 5-30 mm wide, ascending, obovate-cuneate to elliptic, cordate, spathulate or orbicular, obtuse, sometimes recurved; upper and lower surfaces similar, sometimes glaucous, usually with scattered appressed hairs or glabrous, rarely sericeous on both surfaces; margins flat with swollen edge-vein, sometimes undulate; venation evident to obscure on upper surface, prominently raised or occasionally obscure below. Conflorescence erect, terminal or upper axillary, simple or few-branched; unit conflorescence 3-4.5 (-7.5) cm long, cylindrical, acropetal; floral rachis usually loosely to densely ±white-sericeous, occasionally yellow and glabrous or sparsely sericeous. Flowers adaxially oriented. Perianth glabrous; tepals independently reflexed after anthesis. Pistil 4.5-6.5 mm long, glabrous; pollen-presenter conico-cylindrical, with or without flanged base. Follicles obovoid to obpyramidal, 7-17 mm long, smooth to rugulose.