Erect shrub 0.4-3 m tall. Branchlets angular, subsericeous to villous. Leaves obovate to almost round or elliptic to narrowly so, 1-4 cm long, 4-12 (-19) mm wide; upper surface punctate; margins shortly refracted; lower surface exposed, subsericeous or pubescent. Unit conflorescence terminal on a short lateral branchlet or rarely axillary, shortly pedunculate, decurved, hemispherical-subsecund to loosely globose, many-flowered. Flowers acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth and style bright red or rarely pink, very rarely cream. Perianth subsericeous to tomentose outside, bearded inside. Pistil 25-35 mm long; style gently curved, with scattered minute erect simple hairs over apical 3-15 mm; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicle narrowly ellipsoidal to narrowly ovoid, 12-20 mm long, colliculose.