Open shrub 1-2.5 m tall. Branchlets subsericeous. Leaves ascending, entire, linear, 6-13 cm long, 1.7-2.5 mm wide; margins smoothly revolute; lower surface appearing 5-nerved but actually with 3 longitudinal veins flanked by the similar marginal rolls, subsericeous. Unit conflorescence decurved to pendulous, ovoid-subsecund to shortly cylindrical, acropetal; floral rachis 7-20 mm long, tomentose. Flowers acroscopic; pedicels subsericeous to tomentose. Flower colour: perianth white, tinged pink; style white with a green tip. Perianth subsericeous to tomentose outside, bearded inside just above ovary. Pistil 14-17 mm long, glabrous; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicle not seen.